Rabu, 19 September 2012

pesan BuTrias untuk para sahabat..

Reflection on Wednesday, September 19, 2012, uniting IDEOLOGY HUSBAND AND WIFE: There are designations Association Scared Husband to Wife, there is also a fear of Husband Wife Association. Husband had aspirations as well as his wife, ideally when fused together in the family will also be happy soul, body and ideology. But the facts speak no,we can find an extraordinary noble husband while his wife away what is aspired husband, his wife and vice versa terrific extraordinary piety but her husband away from ideology. Our job is to try to combine them in the same ideology, about the results of the determining Allah Almighty! Wish eased the way for us all to integrate with Log in paradise. Keep spirit!

Assalamu'alaikum Sahabatku..selamat soree..

Assalamu'alaikum Sahabatku..selamat soreee...
maree berpikir sejenak: Drpd mencemaskan hal yg tdk bisa kita ubah, lebih baik mencemaskan wkt yg kita buang karenanya.
selamat soree,smuga anda sehat,dan tetep bersemangat...salam dari Heryasmara Ssn dan Hery Nganjuk..

fesbuk hery asmara


Minggu, 09 September 2012


apapun yang bisa dibayangkan pikiran manusia, 
serta diyakini dan diusahakannya pasti akan tercapai!!!